Anointing of the Sick


In the past Catholics would wait until the end of life was near or only in emergency life threatening situations before requesting Anointing of the Sick.  While that is still true, Catholic priests anoint and bless Catholics in other types of situations as well:  before surgery, major and minor, onset of long term illness, during pregnancy, emotional duress, any other struggle regarding physical and emotional effects.

In emergency or grave situations, the priest can be reached through the parish office,815-772-4890, otherwise he can be reached at the rectory, 815-772-3095, or by leaving a message at the rectory.

In non-emergency situations please call the parish office to request a scheduled time with the priest and/or other family members to take part in the anointing/blessing.

Fr. Slawek visits the local hospitals and nursing homes as needed visiting our parishioners .