Liturgy Commission
Liturgical Commission
Liturgy Commission provides richness in the liturgy through music, lectors, and decoration of the sanctuary. The entire thrust of the Commission is to provide liturgy that is uniquely St. Mary's while maintaining the universality of the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church.
The following Ministries are under the direction of the Liturgy Commission:
Eucharistic Ministers: Assist at Mass in distribution of the Eucharist. This ministry includes taking the Eucharist to parishioners who are unable to attend Mass (Homes, hospital, nursing homes). All confirmed parishioners are eligible to serve as Eucharistic Ministers.
Lectors: Lectors proclaim the Word of God in the first and second readings in a manner which leads the people to greater understanding and awareness of the message of the Word, and also lead the General Intercessions of weekend Masses. All parishioners who have been confirmed are encouraged to become part of this ministry. Training meetings are held annually
Altar Servers: Altar servers directly assist the priest and Eucharistic Ministers at Mass and the services. They are girls and boys from the fourth grade through high school who are in good standing in the religious education program. A training session is held annually.
Music: The goal of the Music Ministry is to serve all parish members by leading them in worship through music. This area of ministry is available for weekend Masses, weddings, funerals and other ceremonies.
RCIA Team: RCIA team helps in the parish program of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The team is made up of parishioners who are interested in the preparation and follow-up of persons interested in the Catholic Faith.
Ushers: Ushers, as part of the total liturgical experience, are an integral part of our parish hospitality. The ministry helps create the proper mood for liturgical celebration. Some duties of ushering include meeting and seating people in the church, taking up the collection, directing the communicants at the reception of Eucharist, distributing bulletins, and being of general assistance to people in the Church.