Finance Council
Purpose of Council:
The purpose of the Parish Finance Council of Saint Mary Parish, Morrison, is to assist the pastor or administrator in the administration of the temporal aspects of parish life.
Providing guidance for parish accounting and computer systems
Reviewing the job descriptions, salaries and benefits for parish employees in accordance with Diocesan guidelines.
Review financial reports and monitor budget to actual figures.
Review the administration of surplus funds and adhere to the Diocesan statute on the deposit of surplus funds.
Assist in the formulation of the parish annual report to the faithful.
Coordinating all major fund-raising projects within the parish.
Periodically review all parish inventory and make annual inspection of building and grounds.
Consult in “acts of extraordinary administration”, such as the sale or purchase of parish property and construction or renovation of parish facilities.
Follow up on Diocesan financial review recommendations.
Assess internal controls and procedures for compliance with Diocesan policies.
Evaluate the financial needs of the parish.
Periodically review the existing system of collection and recording of revenues to ensure adequate safeguards.